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Out of Format create visuals in different kind of structures,  using the technique of videomapping

From architectural mapping on buildings to modular and portable video scenographies.

For futher information, please don't hesitate to contact us.



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We create different kind of modular strutures to design on it visual performances.


We offer different formats:

- video scenographies: modular structures adapting to the stage to create video projection on it.

- side structures: structures to create an environment in time with music.

- console: modular structure to cover the console.

Video Mapping


3D Video Mapping on architecture facade.

We study the facade of a building and different kind of architectonical strutures to design on it visual performances on big scale.


We offer different formats:

- short films: audiovisual animation from 5 to 15 minutes to tell a short story.

- vj mapping: all night live visual set to create an environment in time with music.

- interattive video mapping: live visual performance during all night on which public take part of the creation (painting life, record on streaming, kinect interattive...).



Interactive Visual Installations
We project interattive audio visual installations pieces combining video, lights, sound and new tecnologies to create an envioronment where visitors can have an experience taking part of it.


They take place at disco, club, trade fair, product event, festivals, show room and galleries.





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